My Holistic Approach
Very simply, I look at the whole person, from body language and posture to physical details; I listen to their story and hear their patterns of thought. I hear the tension in their voice when they are emotional, see slight movements in their body. All this happens naturally and easily without any overtones of clinical observation. It gives me an understanding of what the true nature of their problems are and the underlying causes.
Various symptoms can be put together as being from one cause, others stand out as being more fundamental in origin. At this stage I can sort out what is the result of current problems and what the result of past 'somatic' problems or traumas.
Herbs, tinctures, aromatherapy oils and Bach Flower Remedies are all excellent at dealing with current problems; With the right choices, I can get working on the one cause of a series of symptoms that are separately itemised and named by your doctor. They will also help overcome the side effects of the various chemical medicines that you might be being prescribed. This is where I see holistic herbal medicine working alongside traditional medicine when it has to. Obviously it's easier when the client is not under medication from a doctor.
Past problems can be of varying natures. In my experience, working with finger acupressure on the energy meridians of acupuncture, releases old traumas and physical pain. One example can show this clearly. A client of mine had Carpal Tunnel syndrome, caused many years earlier by having to work in a job which she found oppressive, She had experienced this for some years. She had had two operations to clear it and was still in pain and on heavy pain killers. After showing her the pressure point to use herself, she managed to solve the problem herself and come off the pain killers. Her consultant was very surprised as he was planning another operation.
I aim to provide the best way to take medications and look after your health yourself taking your lifestyle into account. Pocket handy flower remedy or tinctures in spray bottles (or aromatherapy roller balls) for people on the go. Where possible I try to enable you to take control of your own health by teaching yourself acupressure, breathing techniques and self care awareness.

Phone: 01903 883 493 for an appointment

The Holistic Herbalist
Cheryl Freeman
S.N.H.S. Dip. (Herbalism). I.C.H.M.